Thursday, July 22, 2010

A realization or two (or three)

So I've been trying to figure out what exactly to do with The Acne-Free Foodie to make it better (and bring more people to the site), and I'm thinking that a major restructuring of the blog is in order. Here's what I'm thinking:

1) The original purpose - to be an advocacy/food-news/cookbook blog that challenges the conventional wisdom about food-health relationships - was a bit too ambitious. I need to par this thing down to make it manageable for a music theory graduate student. The original intent may have been a good idea for someone in a food/health-related field, but maybe not for music theorist.

2) The recipes I've posted (except for the basic buckwheat) are woefully inexact. The reason for that - that's how I cook. Cooking, for me, is something creative and (in comparison to composing music) instantly gratifying. I don't have a professor "murdering my baby" when I cook - it's just me and the food. I don't have a problem taking liberties with recipes or experimenting without them because, in my other creative pursuits, I'm supposed to create my own recipes. For someone else though, that's downright intimidating.

3) This blog is all text! I'm not taking advantage of one of the things I most love about the Internet - the multimedia, hypertextual possibilities. I frequently rant about how academia has not taken advantage of all the web-based publishing's possibilities, yet I have yet to post so much as a picture on this blog. How hypocritical!

So, in summary:

1) More focused purpose
2) More detailed, exact recipes
3) More multimedia integration/hypertextuality throughout

What say you?

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