Friday, July 2, 2010

Regimen, Edition #1: Turmeric and Coconut Oil Mask

Because the diet I've been following is such a challenge, I've not written much about my topical regimen. The regimen I've more or less settled on is washing my face with coconut oil, applying tea tree oil with a cotton ball, and then applying a small amount of coconut oil as a moisturizer both in the morning and evening. In the evening, I've also used prescription strength retin-A cream after the tea tree oil and before the moisturizing coconut oil.

A few nights ago, I stumbled some people who use turmeric as a mask and tea to help with acne to great effect. While I don't like changing up my regimen too much, I also don't mind a nice face mask every once in a while. I made a mask using turmeric, all purpose wheat flour (which I haven't thrown out, since I've not conclusively proved that I am gluten sensitive, but I have suspicions - hence the diet), and coconut oil. I mixed it up, washed my face with coconut oil, applied the mask, and let it sit. It felt good while on my skin, and when I washed it off, my skin felt smoother than it had felt in years.

Now, there are drawbacks. The turmeric yellow stain is annoying. I've noticed that my neck is breaking out again (just two little buggers, but they hurt), probably from the stuff I didn't wash off. And, of course, the wheat flour seems unnecessary. I'll keep trying it, but I'll make the next batch sans the wheat. If the stuff irritates my skin, then it probably irritates my insides too.

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