Thursday, May 13, 2010

Government, Edition #1: Senate Bill S510

Really?! In the name of food safety?! I'm normally measured about big political measures, but, occasionally, something is brought to my attention that makes that diplomacy rather difficult. Why it hasn't been all over the news is beyond me.

Senate Bill S510/H.R. 2749 makes it illegal to trade, sell, share, or otherwise distribute any food that is not registered and regulated by the federal government. The idea is that, if the US government outlaws unregistered, unregulated food, then our food will be safer to eat. The problem with the logic is that it's not the food grown in individuals' gardens or small farms that is the problem. Given the opportunity to keep a garden (I live in apartments where gardening is rather difficult, if not impossible), I would guard it from nasty stuff (E. coli, pesticides, herbicides, genetically-modified food-stuffs) with everything I had. I can't even focus enough to go looking for articles showing how it's not independently grown food that's the problem - it's big, industrial food. I guess I'll have to settle with this analysis for now.

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