Thursday, May 13, 2010

Regimen, Edition #1: Organic, Unrefined, Coconut Oil

When I was researching the regimen, I read several accounts about how people who had struggled with acne for years found that organic, raw coconut oil made all the difference for them. I thought they were nuts, but I was willing to give anything reasonable a shot at the time, so I gave coconut oil a go.

I am pleased to say that raw, organic, non-hydrogenated coconut oil has made quite a difference. I started using it just as a moisturizer after my Retin-A cream at night, but I've using it as a day moisturizer and a body lotion too. I've had fewer problems with dry skin and scars have faded faster than they normally do. I've yet to figure out how exactly to make it work with my hair, but when I have used it, coconut oil works just as well on dandruff as T-Gel.

Coconut oil also works well with the recipes I've been developing. It helps keep my protein bars together (lifesavers when I'm in a hurry) and it works well in smoothies. Now it sounds crazy to be going through so much coconut oil, because of the high saturated fat content, but everyone needs some fat to stay healthy and sane and the kind of saturated fat in coconut oil is the same kind in mother's milk. I wouldn't say that's a bad trade-off, especially if fat consumption in general is low like mine (little meat; tons of fruits, veggies, and nuts; a bit of grain; very little dairy).

I'm not paid by anyone to market coconut oil (though I really could use the money), but it's worth a shot if you're not allergic or sensitive.

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