Thursday, May 27, 2010

Odds and Ends: A Food Revolutionary - in my sleep!

As has probably become apparent, my "food philosophy" either resonates with or is influenced by Jamie Oliver and his Food Revolution. That said, I apparently eat, breath, and sleep the Food Revolution now (as opposed to the GRE and my research).

I had a dream that, among other things, I was touring an elementary school and I heard one of the teachers complaining about the fresh, home-made, nutritious, beautifully prepped and presented food. I let it go briefly because I was talking to someone else about something else, but I finally delivered a Jamie-Oliver-esque lecture about how the food on her plate would make her feel good and help her students behave better and achieve more in her class. I wasn't even thinking - the words just came - flawlessly.

I know where this came from. I've been struggling a bit with the social consequences of taking on the AFF diet. I'm not a social butterfly, but I prefer sitting down to a home-made meal to restaurant food any day of the week. It's so much cheaper, and I get to cook. Maybe it's the teacher in me, but I like showing people how easy, fast, and yummy home-cooked food can be. Professional cook I am not, but I can do simple, good, nutritious dishes on a dime with little effort. That's all a grad student needs to get by.

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